
Everything about designing and executing community strategy, measuring the metrics, frameworks, strategies and more...

Learn to drive product growth, retention and engagement through community and how to gather more insights and input through member feedback that goes beyond surveys.

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Understand and implement strategies that can help you deliver value to each user and member of the community leading to network effects that unlock exponential growth and scale for your venture irrespective of the industry.

Divya Haritwal
March 20, 2024

Understanding the fundamentals of engagement metrics and how they vary depending on platform and intent.

Divya Haritwal
February 15, 2024

Expert input on how to gather community feedback and incorporate it into the product development process. Learn how to identify ICP and build communities from scratch.

Pawan Rochwani
January 31, 2024

Understand the factors that guide the choice between building vs buying in-app community features. Explore key parameters, challenges, and available options.

Animesh Das
January 30, 2024

A simple and focused guide for creating amazing events irrespective of the form and industry from industry veteran David Good, powered by LikeMinds and Meetup Pro!

David Good
December 18, 2023

Learn to apply the flywheel concept to your brand’s community...

Divya Haritwal
November 21, 2023

Explore the benefits of community led growth through testing and experimenting with community-building initiatives

Divya Haritwal
October 31, 2023

Insights on Community Moderation From the Community Experts

Pooja Singh
October 16, 2023

The community industry is at an evolutionary stage, especially in India. At CommunityHood, community builders from across the country try to help each other learn the best practices for building a community around your brand.

Taniksha Gupta
March 30, 2022